France: Les Scrupules de Maigret, new paper publication

Les Scrupules deMaigretLes Scrupules de Maigret

Maigret reçoit successivement la visite de Xavier Marton, un personnage falot et timoré qui accuse sa femme de vouloir l’empoisonner, et celle de Gisèle Marton qui a suivi son mari jusqu’au Quai des Orfèvres. Il annonce son intention de la tuer si jamais il ressent les symptômes d’une intoxication. Il meurt la nuit suivante, empoisonné, sans avoir pu mettre ses menaces à exécution.

Maigret successively receives the visit of Xavier Marton, a washy and timid character who accuses his wife of wanting to poison him, and that of Gisèle Marton who followed her husband to the Quai des Orfèvres. He announced his intention to kill her if he ever felt the symptoms of poisoning. He dies the next night, poisoned, without being able to carry out his threats.

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